Sei un privato o lavori nel settore Horeca?


SoloPerGian Foundation with the European Bartender School takes you into the world of mixology!

  • Learn the secrets of blending from Italy's top professionals.
  • Create your own cocktail starting with a surprise ingredient
  • Vinci una borsa di studio con alloggio incluso per il Corso BarmanInternazionale di EBS Milano!
IscrivitiLearn about the Foundation

You are the right person if you...

  • You are less than 40 years old
  • You don't have a job
  • You are willing to put yourself out there!

You’ll learn how to make cocktails directly from Italy’s top bartenders, brand ambassadors and professionals. Zero talk, lots of real experience.

You could win a scholarship with accommodation included for the prestigious EBS Milan International Barman Course.

You will immediately put your hands to the shaker and try your hand at creating the perfect cocktail.

We don’t care about your economic and social status; we believe that the future is built by giving everyone an opportunity.


How to register?

  1. Send your CV and a personal description to

  2. Be sure to use an active email and provide your cell phone number

  3. If you are in the top 15 candidates, YOU ARE IN! If not, don't despair. You will still be marked on the waiting list!

  4. In September we will contact you again to confirm your participation and ask for a fee of 20€, which will be refunded at the end of the course only if you have attended at least 80% of the classes.

IMPORTANTE Se non riusciremo a ricontattarti a settembre, ti escluderemo dal corso e daremo il tuo posto a un’altra persona.

Yes: You must attend at least 80 percent of the classes to take the exam. Each class will cover a different type of alcohol and different cocktails will be created, so it is highly recommended to attend all of them! The more classes you attend, the more your “toolbox” will be provided on exam day.


Date and schedule

14 ottobre – il grande inizio 16 ottobre – L’aperitivo Italiano parte 1 21 ottobre – L’aperitivo Italiano parte 2 23 ottobre – Tra Gin e Vodka 28 ottobre – Tutto sull’Agave 30 ottobre – Liquori, erbe e infusioni 05 novembre – Legno e Torba: il whisky 07 novembre – Rum, rhum e ron 11 novembre – Direttamente dalle colline: i distillati d’uva 13 novembre – esame finale

Corso live alla Scuola Elementare di Casalotto Via San Michele 10, Casalotto di Mombaruzzo (AT) Dalle 19.00 alle 21.00


A team effort

The European Bartender School is the largest mixology school in the world, with a 25-year history and locations on 5 continents. The International Bartender Course is internationally recognized and prepares thousands of future bartenders each year.

How do we give the scholarship?

During the last class the stage will be yours alone! You will have a chance to win a full-ride scholarship for the 4-week International Bartending Course in Milan. You will have to make the best cocktail from a mystery ingredient and win over the entire jury of European Bartender School bartenders.

Our Scholarship covers the full four-week International Bartending Course and accommodation in an EBS apartment. You will share a room with other boys or girls and have a shared bathroom, kitchen and break room. Board and any extracurricular expenses and activities remain excluded from the Scholarship.

An opportunity to drink all in one breath!

You become the next bartending star. Fill out the form below and reserve your spot for Mondo Cocktail! Do you have any questions or curiosity? Write to us at! Sign up now!

    Allega il tuo CV
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